These images, Sun.. Rock.. Sea and her are from a shoot I did for one of my uni briefs last year, The final images I used are deeper in my blog! here are some of the images I shot on 120 film and did not use because of there softness but wanted to upload because I still love their feel and texture.
Here are two images I shot on digital but also did not use for final hand in but still love.
Here is a shoot i did with my girlfriend Rebecca on my home balcony.. I wanted to capture her as natural as possible so i got her to wear no make-up and to wear what she would wear in everyday life.. I shot at sunset to get the sun piercing through from behind Rebecca and to create a nice orange glow!
JJay is a 23 year old photographer who works to create strong beautiful imagery through the use of models, lighting, location and Styling! Directing his shoots to get the shots he has visioned!
Second young fashion photographer of the year awards 2009.
(All images low res)